Server info

Thanks to interests to our fanmade pjsekai server!
This page explains our community map for sonolus existing users.

Domain list

We currently have 3 domains to provide service, and 1 domain to short discord server link.

Custom server for playing a level

The domain provides sonolus custom-server service. You can add this domain as server in sonolus client. YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING FROM BROWSER ON THIS ENDPOINT. If you know programming, you can make notifier or anything you like with this. Just don't attack our server please.

Website for publishing a level

The domain provides function to upload and list fanmade charts. You don't need to access if just want to play charts (currently). Almost guide pages in this domain are old. We using wiki now.

Wiki for describe things

The domain that you currently seeing is wiki. For describe how to install and play chart in sonolus, and how to make charts. Articles are japanese mainly, but get translated to other languages soon. (I hope. We need translators...)

Discord server for talking

The domain provides you invite link to join our discord community. We talk a lot mean-less things at here (it's just joking. Sure we talk fanmade charts things also.)

Account list

We currently have 2 accounts on twitter, and 1 account on youtube.

Youtube 紫式部

This account is for publish fanmade charts video in another simulator. (The simulator is hidden and we have no plan to publish it.)
Almost fanmade charts in this channel are playable on sonolus too.

Twitter 紫式部

This is for notify new fanmade chart video and announcements. In other words, it spreads our discord server announcements on twitter too.

Twitter スイートポテトサーバー

This account is basically sonolus technical support at twitter. If anyone has question about our server or sonolus, we answer it with this account.

Any questions?

Let's join our discord server and talk with!